The Total Menopause Wellness Guide

The Concept

A 'natural' way to help with the signs and symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause, if you don't want to go down the route of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or other GP prescribed solutions.

Does It Work?

Well, I wouldn't be putting it out here if it didn't! Tried and tested, it lessens all issues, as long as the programme is followed with dedication. There are no half measures, those only lead to half a result.

I personally, have reduced brain fog, hot flushes, night sweats, and my mood is boosted, energy levels increased, and I have no drop in libido. When I started on the programme, any initial peri-menopausal weight gain dropped off, has stayed off, and I lost a little bit more.

Who Is It Designed For?

All women, in fact, as it's now been trialled with younger women with hormonal imbalance, and period issues, it can be utilised for a woman at any point in her life.

But mostly, if you are 'suffering' from menopausal issues, this programme is for you.

What Is The Format?

The programme comes to you as an online file, containing links to my YouTube channel for exercises, and also a hypnotherapy self-hypnosis audio file.

There is also a wealth of information regarding diet, supplements, and lots of hints and tips on how to live the best life during menopause.

How Do I Order?

Contact me – or call 07792722359

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